Site icon Te Whare Toi o Te Kura Tawhito o Whāingaroa | Raglan Old School Arts Centre

Who’s in the Running for a 2015 RAFFA? 

_DSC0906Filmmaking is alive and well in Raglan, if this year’s nominations for the Raglan Arts Festival Film Awards are anything to go by. Here’s a peek at the 2015 shortlist which covers a diverse array of topics and genres:

KUHL is a short surf/lifestyle film depicting a day in the life of a Raglan surfer, while The Ultimate Waterman covers all the thrilling action from this year’s contest to find the world’s best all-round waterman.

The plight of the Maui dolphin is the subject of several submissions. Message to the Minister captures the concerns of Raglan locals about the future of this critically endangered dolphin; Maui Dolphin Day is a record of the 2015 Raglan event, while Save Maui Dolphin’s Today is a music video starring musician Tiki Taane and children from Raglan Area School.

Raglan’s growing cultural diversity is explored in an episode of TVNZ show Neighbourhood (narrated by Masterchef Aaron Brunet) while in Raglan Remembers, producers Ken Soanes and Mike O’Neill interview Raglan locals about their relatives’ involvement  in World War One.

Plus, music and dance in Nevereverland, a sweet story about a humble New Zealand farming couple in Ross & Beth, short historical documentary Tippahee and many more.

Extracts from selected RAFFA films will be screened before main feature films throughout the festival, and at the Red Carpet Awards night. For full details of this year’s RAFFA nominees, please see the official film festival programme, available from the Old School, or online at


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