Site icon Te Whare Toi o Te Kura Tawhito o Whāingaroa | Raglan Old School Arts Centre

RAFFAs chasing local talent

Lights, camera, action for the Raglan Arts Film Festival Awards 2018.

The red carpet beckons local filmmakers, producers, directors and actors with nominations now open for the RAFFAs.

This year nominations have opened for young and emerging talent with categories for Tamariki – under 12, Rangatahi – 13 to 18 and Emerging Artist as well as Drama, Documentary and Experimental.

The film must be associated with Raglan Whaingaroa – either the filmmakers, production crew or actors, or part of the film must have been shot or edited in Raglan.

Awards designed by Chris Meek and prizes – including cash and vouchers – will be presented at a Red Carpet Awards night on Saturday, September 22 at the Old School Arts Centre.

Enter by clicking here: Register for RAFFA online

by downloading here:  RAFFA 2018 ENTRY FORM

or go to Facebook @raglanfilmfestival

or contact us at the Old School Arts Centre in Stewart Street, 07 825 0023 or for more details.

Deadline for nominations is Tuesday, July 31.

Keep up-to date with the 2018 Raglan Film Festival by following Creative Raglan – Film Festival on Facebook.

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