Site icon Te Whare Toi o Te Kura Tawhito o Whāingaroa | Raglan Old School Arts Centre

RAFFA 2021 Online Awards

Welcome to the Raglan Arts Film Festival 2021 Online Awards Event! This was the Covid Plan B Prizegiving.

Pre-Covid, you would have been swanning into the Town Hall, glamorously attired, on a lush actual red carpet and being handed a complimentary glass of champagne or fruit juice.

Instead! Through the wonders of the internet, the awards event was beamed to you straight into your home!

A very big thank you to our volunteers and sponsors who have soldiered on through all the uncertainty to enable our brilliant filmmakers to be celebrated and rewarded. This year’s fabulous Chris Meek trophies are made from “old school” shower stalls.

The video below cover the online awards:

This video is to the shorter version:

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