
Sep 10: Old School Arts Centre AGM

Agenda for 2024 AGM of Raglan Community Arts Council 

The Annual General Meeting of the Raglan Community Arts Council Inc. will be held at the Raglan Old School Arts Centre on Tuesday 10th September at 7pm in Eva’s Room. See agenda below.

Members, friends and members of the community are welcome to attend. Only financial and life members may vote.

Nominations have now closed on 5th September for office holders and committee positions. Nominations received are shown below.

In addition to usual AGM matters the meeting will consider approval of a new constitution that complies with the Incorporated Societies Act 2022 (the new Act). It will also consider re-registering under the new Act. This is mandatory for all incorporated societies who wish to continue operating.

Rodger Gallagher


Agenda for 2024 AGM of Raglan Community Arts Council
7.00pm, Tuesday 10 September 2024 at the Old School Arts Centre
Minutes secretary for AGM:

Apologies:  Merren Goodison, Jane Galloway, Gaylene & Tony Atkins, Wendy Lee

  • Opening and Welcome – Members and Guests
  • Minutes of 2023 AGM
    • Moved that the minutes be taken as read and approved as a true and correct record of the 2023 AGM
      • Any discussion or matters arising

  • Chairperson’s Annual report for 2023/2024 – presented by Rodger Gallagher


  • Moved that the Chairperson’s report be accepted
  • Audited financial report for 2023/2024 – presented by Kay Fong


  • Moved that the 2023/2024 Financial Report be accepted and approved

Moved a vote of thanks to Life Member Wendy Coxhead for her work, inspiration and ideas over the past two decades.

Moved a vote of thanks to Virginia Gallagher for preparing the annual accounts and Management Performance Report.

  • Election of officers
  • Rodger stands down as Chair of AGM
  • Wayne to become Chair of AGM

Vote on Nominations for Chairperson of RCAC

  • Nominations are: 
    • Rodger Gallagher for Chairperson by Charles Riddle & Jane Galloway
    • Steve Murray for Chairperson by Deb King and Ciane Lawrey
  • Wayne advises meeting of successful person
  • Wayne stands down as chair of meeting and Chairperson of RCAC takes over chairing the AGM

Nominations are:

  • Wayne Morris for Deputy Chairperson by Rodger Gallagher & Jillian Lankshear                                      
  • Angela Williams for Secretary by  Jane Galloway & Jillian Lankshear                                                                                             
  • Kay Fong for Treasurer by Jillian Lankshear & Jane Galloway                                              

Approved – As there is only one nomination for each role, Wayne Morris, Angela Williams and Kay Fong are appointed.

  • Election of committee and decision on size of committee
Committee 1
Jean CarbonAngela WilliamsKay Fong
Committee 2
Jillian LankshearJane GallowayBrian Wilson
Committee 3
Jane GallowayJillian LankshearJean Carbon
Committee 4
Charles RiddleMurray BurtonRodger Gallagher
Committee 5
Brian WilsonRobyn MarstersMurray Burton
Committee 6
Murray BurtonCharles RiddleAngela Williams
Committee 7
Denise ReynoldsRodger GallagherAngela Williams
Committee 8
Merren GoodisonRodger GallagherJane Galloway
Committee 9
Robyn MarstersJane GallowayJean Carbon
Committee 10
Rod TomblesonJillian LankshearKay Fong
Committee 11
Brian ThurogoodRichard GemmellLois Brooks
 Committee 12Ciane LawreyDeb KingLois Brooks
Committee 13Deb KingIsabel CrawforthMichael Crawforth

Note that Deb King’s nomination is non-compliant with the constitution as she is an RCAC employee. She has agreed to resign before the AGM so her nomination can go ahead. She can be reengaged as an independent contractor until her requested retirement date on 18th October.

  • Moved that the size of the committee be set at 12 non-executive members
  • As the number of nominations is more than the number of vacancies, a vote will take place for the committee
  • Moved that Simon Te Wheoro is confirmed as iwi representative member.

Appointment of Contact Persons for Incorporated Societies Registrar

  • Rodger Gallagher & Angela Williams nominated by Jean Carbon & Rod Tombleson
  • Appointment of auditors and accountant
    • Moved that  Graham Haines be confirmed as external auditor.

Approval of new Constitution – as part of re-registering with the as an Incorporated Society our Constitution had to be reviewed and amended or a new constitution prepared to comply with the new law.

The committee decided to create a new compliant constitution using the Incorporated Societies Register’s web constitution builder.

It is moved that the new Constitution (as tabled) is approved.

It is moved that Raglan Community Arts Council Inc. reregisters as an Incorporated Society as required by the 2022 Act.


Moved a vote of thanks to Alan Neville for his work on the new RCAC constitution.

  • Set membership fees for the year commencing 1st April 2025
    • Moved that the General membership fee be set at $20 individual, plus $10 for a second member at same address and Clay Shed at $20 per individual
    • And that the Friends membership fee be set at zero.
  • General business
    • Plans for the current year and future years
  • Close of formal meeting


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