RCAC- renew your membership by Internet Banking or pay by credit or debit card

Memberships make up the lifeblood of our organisation. Thank you for your support in the past. The Raglan Community Arts Council committee values all contributions to the Raglan Old School Arts Centre (ROSAC) and your involvement is important to us and very much appreciated.

Membership runs from 1st April and expires at the end of the following March. We send out a membership renewal notice by email each March. If you didn’t receive the email you can renew your membership at any time for another year.

Thank you for continuing to support our team and volunteers in their work for the Raglan arts community.

The Raglan Arts Council membership fees (1 April – 31 March) are:

  • Single annual membership Raglan community Arts Council $20
  • Dual annual membership $25
  • Single RCAC/Clay Shed membership $40
  • Dual RCAC/single Clay Shed membership $45
  • Dual RCAC/dual Clay Shed membership $65

Membership can be paid online into our bank account: 38 9018 0232468 00 with your name and renew as a reference. Alternatively you can call into the Arts Centre office (10am to 2pm Monday to Friday), renew at movie screenings, or use the online renewal below.

Online membership renewal form for Raglan Community Arts Council (RCAC).

  • To renew your existing membership of RCAC click on the button below, complete the online form, then click the button [Submit]. On the next page enter your credit card details.
  • There is an additional $1 processing charge when you pay using a credit or debit card.

You can contact the Old School Arts Centre on 07 825 0023 or info@raglanartscentre.co.nz