Karioi Quilts and Crafts Group

Karioi Quilts and Crafts – second Thursday of every month. 

10:30 am – 1:00/3:00 pm 

The Karioi Quilters have been making high quality, natural fibre, artistic quilts for many years. A patchwork and quilting group, the members meet to share knowledge and skills and enjoy creating in good company. 

This year, 2023, we changed the name to Karioi Quilts and Crafts to open the group up to other crafters. 

Members can work on their own projects ranging from quilts, sewing projects and you can even bring your knitting, as long as it’s not a messy craft anything goes.  

Group co-ordinator is Sue Webber 021 489944  

New members are always welcome to come along to these casual meetings to work on their own projects and learn quilting techniques from a group of very creative craftspeople. 

If you’d like to learn to quilt or just bring any other project, come along and meet us, we’re a friendly bunch. 

Meetings are held at the Raglan Old School Arts Centre from 10am to 1pm (sometimes 3pm if the room is available) on the second Thursday of every month. 10 sessions per year from February to December. Subscription is $30 per year which goes towards room hire. 

So join us for a coffee and bring your lunch.