Old School Readers Book Club

Friendly Readers meet the last Friday of the month from February to November at 10:30-12.30 am in Eva’s Room at the Old School Arts Center.

We are an eclectic group of readers who welcome anyone who loves reading to join in – come along to check us out.  We either share a bit about whatever we have been reading or choose a broad optional theme.  Examples have included NZ writers, poetry, biographies and summer reading.  Open to suggestions.

The group was created in 2024 as part of the Whaingaroa Raglan Writers World programme to encourage readers to join in.  Writers need Readers.

Reminders and any themes will be notified on Raglan Notice Board facebook page or by old school email to those who prefer.  Group co-contacts are Jo Catlin via facebook messaging or Lauren via email only laurenp@xtra.co.nz.