Using the Philosophies and Practices of Nonviolent Parenting, we offer a parenting course based on child and
brain development, connective communication and conscious parental choices.
“I long for the day when we would greet each other and be able to say with the deepest of hearts ‘The
Children are Well’ Let’s be allies and advocates for our children and reach the day the children are well!â€Ruth Beaglehole
Tuesday Evenings
7 – 9pm Old School Arts Centre, Stewart St
13 October – 15 December 2015
Attendance to at least one of the first 3 classes is required to attend the remaining topic evenings
Week 1: Intentional Parenting
Week 2: Understanding the Philosophy and Practice of NVP
Week 3: Brain & Child Development
Week 4: Reflections on our Childhood Experiences
Week 5: Emotional Literacy: Constructing the Heart of the Family
Week 6: Communication: Learning a New Language of Connection
Week 7: Anger
Week 8: Scaffolding of Support: Setting Limits
Week 9: Integration: Practice, Practice, and Practice!
Week 10: What Have We Learnt? Celebration & Mourning
Please note, except for breast feeding babies, it is not suitable to bring children to these evenings
Supported by Te Mauri Tau
To find out more, call Heleina (07) 825 7111
9am to 5pm
Tuesdays to Fridays or evenings
call Isabel (07) 825 0503 or Andre 021 902 423.