Site icon Te Whare Toi o Te Kura Tawhito o Whāingaroa | Raglan Old School Arts Centre

A Time to Reflect

Trevor Penfold Photography Exhibition at the Old School Arts Centre,

5 Stewart Street, Raglan.

Saturday April 15th– Friday April 21st

10am – 5pm daily

‘A Time to Reflect’ is an exhibition of Trevor Penfold’s photography, both past and present, including his very latest works entitled ‘Dreamscapes’. It’s a collection of his images both local to Raglan as well as further afield across New Zealand. This exhibition was first shown earlier in the year for the Raglan Arts Weekend, so if you missed it then now’s your chance to catch it. If you dropped in over the Raglan Arts Weekend, then this is an opportunity to revisit some of your favourite images, and talk to Trevor about them. Trevor will be at the exhibition for the whole week.

Trevor says: “If you’re unfamiliar with my work, you’ll see that it’s inspired by nature – based on both wildlife and landscapes using different techniques depending on the mood or story I want to communicate.”

“With some big changes for me coming later in the year this will probably be my last exhibition in Raglan, in fact possibly my last one in New Zealand. Raglan’s Old School Arts Centre was the venue of my first exhibition, back in 2007, which launched my photographic career so it seems appropriate that it hosts my final exhibition too.”

“So if you enjoy wildlife, nature and landscape photography, be sure to add these dates to your diary as it would be great to see you there.”

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